Emergency vs. Urgent Vet Care

Emergency veterinary care refers to immediate and critical situations that threaten a pet’s life or health. Knowing the difference can help ensure you give your pet the exact care they need when they need it.

a person holding a dog

Emergency vs Urgent Vet Care: What’s the Difference?

As an urgent care practice, we think clarifying the difference between emergency and urgent vet care is essential. After all, how do you know if you’re in the right place? We hope to prevent confusion and help pet parents understand where they need to go if their animals are experiencing a critical emergency. When time is of the essence, we want to ensure you and your pet see the right vet!

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Emergency vs. Urgent Vet Care

Below are some of the more common pet emergencies that we can and can’t treat:

emergency icon

When to See an Emergency Vet:

  • Pet hit by a car
  • Seizures
  • Severe breathing problems
  • Significant burn injuries
  • Major lacerations
urgent icon

When to See Our Urgent Care Team:

  • Ear infections
  • Minor injuries (minor burns and lacerations)
  • Lumps and bumps
  • Skin conditions and allergies
  • Vomiting and/or diarrhea
  • Difficulty urinating
While our hospital can handle quite a large variety of injuries and illnesses, certain cases may require more extensive and specialized care. In the event that you come to our hospital but need to be referred elsewhere, we will waive your office visit fee before directing you to the proper emergency facility.

When in Doubt, Contact Us

It’s not always clear if your pet’s condition requires an urgent vet or an emergency vet. If you have questions or concerns about your four-legged family member and need some guidance about what to do and where to go, please contact us at (856) 404-9858 for our Sewell location or (856) 302-0000 for our Deptford location! We’re open daily from 9 am to 9 pm, 7 days a week for your convenience.